1. Camion (Ka-mee-on) : Truck
- Le camion est plein de marchandises. : The truck is full of goods.
2. Trois (Trwah) : Three
- Il y a trois livres. : There are three books.
3. Quatorze (Ka-tohrz) : Fourteen
- Elle a quatorze livres. : She has fourteen books.
4. Hélicoptère (Ay-lee-kop-tehr) : Helicopter
- L'hélicoptère survole la ville. : The helicopter flies over the city.
5. Huit (Wheat) : Eight
- Il y a huit voitures. : There are eight cars.
6. Prends soin de toi. (prahnd swan duh twah) : Take care of yourself.
- Il est important que tu prennes soin de toi. : It's important that you take care of yourself.
7. aller à la plage (ah-lay ah lah plahj) : Going to the beach
- Nous allons à la plage demain. : We are going to the beach tomorrow.
8. Treize (Trez) : Thirteen
- Il a treize ans. : He is thirteen years old.
9. Onze (Onz) : Eleven
- Elle a onze fleurs. : She has eleven flowers.
10. À bientôt (Ah byen-toh) : See you soon
- Merci et à bientôt! : Thank you and see you soon!
11. Dix-neuf (Dees-nuhf) : Nineteen
- Il y a dix-neuf enfants. : There are nineteen children.
12. jouer de la guitare (zhoo-ay duh lah gee-tar) : Playing guitar
- Il joue de la guitare tous les jours. : He plays guitar every day.
13. Bonne journée (Bon zhor-nay) : Have a nice day
- Bonne journée à tous! : Have a nice day, everyone!
14. faire du shopping (fair doo shopping) : Shopping
- Elle adore faire du shopping. : She loves shopping.
15. Comment ça va? (Kom-mon sa va?) : How are you?
- Bonjour! Comment ça va? : Hello! How are you?
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1️⃣ Enter vocabulary words and their meanings
2️⃣ Game configuration
3️⃣ Click the "Play game" button and enjoy
4️⃣ After completing the game, the results will be announced
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