Essential Number Vocabulary for Everyday Conversations in French - createvocabgame

Essential Number Vocabulary for Everyday Conversations in French

20 wordsEasy


1. Cinq (Sank) : Five

- Il a cinq stylos. : He has five pens.

2. Six (Sees) : Six

- Il y a six personnes dans la salle. : There are six people in the room.

3. Neuf (Nuhf) : Nine

- Ils ont neuf amis. : They have nine friends.

4. Quatorze (Ka-tohrz) : Fourteen

- Elle a quatorze livres. : She has fourteen books.

5. Seize (Sez) : Sixteen

- Elle a seize crayons. : She has sixteen pencils.

6. Quatre (Katr) : Four

- Elle a quatre pommes. : She has four apples.

7. Sept (Set) : Seven

- Elle a sept crayons. : She has seven pencils.

8. Treize (Trez) : Thirteen

- Il a treize ans. : He is thirteen years old.

9. Dix-sept (Dees-set) : Seventeen

- Il y a dix-sept chiens. : There are seventeen dogs.

10. Vingt (Vanh) : Twenty

- Elle a vingt stylos. : She has twenty pens.

11. Un (Uh(n)) : One

- Il a un chien. : He has one dog.

12. Deux (Duh) : Two

- Elle a deux chats. : She has two cats.

13. Trois (Trwah) : Three

- Il y a trois livres. : There are three books.

14. Huit (Wheat) : Eight

- Il y a huit voitures. : There are eight cars.

15. Douze (Dooz) : Twelve

- Il y a douze chaises. : There are twelve chairs.

16. Dix-huit (Dees-wheat) : Eighteen

- Ils ont dix-huit chats. : They have eighteen cats.

17. Dix-neuf (Dees-nuhf) : Nineteen

- Il y a dix-neuf enfants. : There are nineteen children.

18. Dix (Dees) : Ten

- Il y a dix fenêtres. : There are ten windows.

19. Onze (Onz) : Eleven

- Elle a onze fleurs. : She has eleven flowers.

20. Quinze (Kanz) : Fifteen

- Il y a quinze personnes ici. : There are fifteen people here.

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