Learn simple vocabulary about fashion topics in Chinese P1 - createvocabgame

Learn simple vocabulary about fashion topics in Chinese P1

10 wordsEasy


1. 衣服 (Yīfú) : Clothes

- 我今天穿了新衣服。 : I am wearing new clothes today.

2. 裤子 (Kùzi) : Pants

- 这条裤子很合适。 : These pants fit well.

3. 裙子 (Qúnzi) : Skirt

- 她喜欢穿裙子。 : She likes to wear skirts.

4. 鞋子 (Xiézi) : Shoes

- 这双鞋子很时尚。 : These shoes are very fashionable.

5. 帽子 (Màozi) : Hat

- 他戴了一顶帽子。 : He is wearing a hat.

6. 外套 (Wàitào) : Coat

- 天气冷了,穿上外套吧。 : It's cold, put on your coat.

7. 领带 (Lǐngdài) : Tie

- 他每天都打领带。 : He wears a tie every day.

8. 手表 (Shǒubiǎo) : Watch

- 我想买一块新手表。 : I want to buy a new watch.

9. 时尚 (Shíshàng) : Fashion

- 她的穿着很时尚。 : Her outfit is very fashionable.

10. 皮包 (Píbāo) : Leather bag

- 她买了一个新皮包。 : She bought a new leather bag.

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1️⃣ Enter vocabulary words and their meanings

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3️⃣ Click the "Play game" button and enjoy

4️⃣ After completing the game, the results will be announced

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