Learn simple vocabulary about fashion topics in Chinese P2 - createvocabgame

Learn simple vocabulary about fashion topics in Chinese P2

10 wordsMedium


1. T恤 (Tīxù) : T-shirt

- 他今天穿了一件T恤。 : He is wearing a T-shirt today.

2. 牛仔裤 (Niúzǎikù) : Jeans

- 我喜欢穿牛仔裤。 : I like wearing jeans.

3. 眼镜 (Yǎnjìng) : Glasses

- 他戴着一副眼镜。 : He is wearing glasses.

4. 皮鞋 (Píxié) : Leather shoes

- 这些皮鞋很贵。 : These leather shoes are expensive.

5. 围巾 (Wéijīn) : Scarf

- 冬天我总是戴围巾。 : I always wear a scarf in winter.

6. 连衣裙 (Liányīqún) : Dress

- 她穿着一条漂亮的连衣裙。 : She is wearing a beautiful dress.

7. 高跟鞋 (Gāogēnxié) : High heels

- 她喜欢穿高跟鞋。 : She likes wearing high heels.

8. 泳衣 (Yǒngyī) : Swimsuit

- 夏天我们去海边穿泳衣。 : We wear swimsuits to the beach in summer.

9. 袜子 (Wàzi) : Socks

- 我需要买一些新袜子。 : I need to buy some new socks.

10. 背心 (Bèixīn) : Vest

- 夏天穿背心很舒服。 : It's comfortable to wear a vest in summer.

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1️⃣ Enter vocabulary words and their meanings

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3️⃣ Click the "Play game" button and enjoy

4️⃣ After completing the game, the results will be announced

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