1. Escuela (Es-kweh-lah) : School
- Voy a la escuela todos los días. : I go to school every day.
2. Profesor (Pro-feh-sor) : Teacher
- El profesor es muy amable. : The teacher is very kind.
3. Estudiante (Es-too-dee-ahn-teh) : Student
- El estudiante está aprendiendo. : The student is learning.
4. Clase (Klah-seh) : Class
- Tengo clase de matemáticas a las 10. : I have math class at 10.
5. Cuaderno (Kwah-der-noh) : Notebook
- Escribo en mi cuaderno. : I write in my notebook.
6. Libro (Lee-broh) : Book
- Leo un libro en la biblioteca. : I read a book in the library.
7. Examen (Ehk-sah-men) : Exam
- Tengo un examen mañana. : I have an exam tomorrow.
8. Pizarra (Pee-sah-rah) : Blackboard
- El profesor escribe en la pizarra. : The teacher writes on the blackboard.
9. Tarea (Tah-reh-ah) : Homework
- Hago mi tarea después de la escuela. : I do my homework after school.
10. Lápiz (Lah-pees) : Pencil
- Escribo con un lápiz. : I write with a pencil.
11. Goma (Goh-mah) : Eraser
- Uso la goma para borrar. : I use the eraser to erase.
12. Mochila (Moh-chee-lah) : Backpack
- Mi mochila es muy pesada. : My backpack is very heavy.
13. Recreo (Reh-kreh-oh) : Recess
- Juego con mis amigos en el recreo. : I play with my friends during recess.
14. Director (Dee-rek-tor) : Principal
- El director es muy estricto. : The principal is very strict.
15. Escritorio (Es-kree-toh-ree-oh) : Desk
- Mi escritorio está limpio. : My desk is clean.
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⏳Countdown time
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CreateVocabGame is very easy to use
1️⃣ Enter vocabulary words and their meanings
2️⃣ Game configuration
3️⃣ Click the "Play game" button and enjoy
4️⃣ After completing the game, the results will be announced
Explore common household object vocabulary in Spanish with English translations
12 Spanish math vocabulary words that are easy to learn
Essential Health Check-in Vocabulary from Spanish to English
Spanish Vocabulary for School
Random Vocabulary
CreateVocabGame will randomly select vocabulary from different topics of "Spanish translated into English" to create new topics. This will help you learn more new vocabulary and remember more of the vocabulary you have learned.
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